Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have created this blog so people can describe to me how they feel. No one has to agree with my opinion; however everyone should be respectful of their views. I am pro-choice, obviously since I have written it as my title. I believe women should have the right to chose if she wants to keep a baby or not. I however do not believe in a woman choosing to have an abortion as a form of birth control. I believe if a woman is rape, or knows that she cannot give the child the necessities it needs to live in a good home then it should not be brought into this world. People might find this a little harsh and immoral but if we take a look many people have children each day and what happens. They are sent to foster home, or are beaten from their neglectful parents, and are just thrown into an environment where they are tormented. Also to put this out there I saw a documentary about gay parents who were not able to adopt. However, these children with AIDs were thrown out to the curve and had no type of identity. So what did the gay couple do, they took them into their home. People neglect their kids if they have sicknesses such as AIDs, or Down syndrome. A woman cannot reproduce and then decides to get vitro infertilization. Now, the reason I bring this is up is because the doctors are able to tell the women what cell has down syndrome and other sickness like that and take the cell away from the others. Abortion is going to happen even if it is not in the process of being fertilized and having the child in your “stomach”.



bxmahallen89 said...
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bxmahallen89 said...

Hmm...this is a very compelling and interesting blog.

When talking about abortion/reproductive rights, I believe people end up debating about the circumstances of the fetus and whether or not it is a living being inside a woman's womb. In here lies the debate about the morality of having an abortion.

However, whether or not abortion is morally right or wrong is not the string of arguments that reproductive rights are dependent on. Reproductive rights are dependent on whether it is just to force all women to keep their fetuses, just the same it would be just as unjust to force all women to have an abortion. There is no room for belief systems (i.e. religions) in judicial decisions that effect more than half the population. The church and state must and should remain separate.
Moreover, it is unjust for the government to force any group of people to do anything against their will i.e. banning reproductive rights. There is no room for the prohibition of rights in equality. Whatever the belief system is, there should be no argument on whether banning rights is unjust.
Therefore, forcing women to only have one choice without an alternative assumes women do not know what to do with their bodies unless they are told what to do with it and that women also lack a certain moral compass and rationality to make decisions on her own without the government telling her what to do. Essentially, true autonomy for women will never be achieved if the right for choice is not given to her. I personally find it funny that the right to "choice" has to be "given" to her. Which is evident about how far our society still needs to go. No?

bxmahallen89 said...

O that was me. Sharleen Benjamin. Lol

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I tend to stay on both sides. Yeah, the fetus should go on to live but again it is the woman's choice. Like yeah, if the fetus was an outcome of rape, then yeah the woman should decide whether she would want the child or not. There are a lot of kids who are born "unplanned" and look at all the suffering they go through. So yeah its about choice.